Discussion thread for Babylonian spiral.
The statement currently wrongfully indicates:
xᵢ² + yᵢ² = nᵢ² > nᵢ₋₁² where xᵢ, yᵢ and nᵢ are non-negative integers
but actually the nᵢ’s defined as such are not necessarily integers. More likely, they should simply not be squared here: This problem is not related to Pythagorean triples.
I would like to share a Python solution of mine, which uses several FP iterators to find all the possible moves and choose the best:
from math import atan2, tau
from itertools import chain, count, dropwhile, takewhile, starmap
def get_pairs(i: int, j: int):
def _neg4(i, j):
def _neg2(i, j):
return (i, j), (-i, -j)
return _neg2(i, j) + _neg2(i, -j)
return _neg4(i, j) + (_neg4(j, i) if i != j else ())
def babylonian_spiral(n_steps):
x = [0, 0]
y = [0, 1]
dx, dy = 0, 1
n = 1 # dx² + dy² = n
for _ in range(n_steps):
possibles = [] # possible (d1,d2) pairs where d1 ≥ d2 and d1² + d2² = n
angle = atan2(dy, dx)
for n in count(n + 1):
for d1 in takewhile(lambda i: i ** 2 <= n, dropwhile(lambda i: 2 * i ** 2 < n, count(1))):
tmp = n - d1 ** 2
for d2 in dropwhile(lambda i: i ** 2 != tmp, takewhile(lambda i: i <= d1 and i ** 2 <= tmp, count())):
possibles.append((d1, d2))
if possibles:
all_poss = set(chain.from_iterable(starmap(get_pairs, possibles))) # all possible moves
dx, dy = min(all_poss, key=lambda d: (atan2(d[1], d[0]) - angle) % tau) # clockwise angular separation
x.append(x[-1] + dx)
y.append(y[-1] + dy)
return x, y
Could’ve used isqrt
to improve if Python 3.8+ supported, though